Manchester NH, (603) 785 1884
Suzuki Association of the Americas (SAA) Bibliography
First recommendations by Chris Cavanaugh in green
Texts by Shinichi Suzuki
Ability Development From Age Zero. Miami, FL: Summy-Birchard, Inc.
Dr. Suzuki addresses all parents on their responsibility to create an environment for nurturing young children. Contains his thoughts and anecdotes from his life and work in Talent Education
Man and Talent: Search into the Unknown. Ann Arbor, MI: Shar Products.
Basic philosophy and Suzuki’s unique approach to music education with classic teaching examples and stories.
Nurtured By Love: A New Approach to Education. Miami, FL: Summy-Birchard, Inc.
Dr. Suzuki’s autobiography and his own explanation of the discovery and development of his method, translated by his wife Waltraud. Discusses the mother tongue approach,environment, developing ability, the beauty of repetition, music as a universal language, etc.
Talent Education and Young Children. Ann Arbor, MI: Shar Products.
Dr. Suzuki’s writings on the development of Talent Education including material on the role of parents and their responsibilities in early education. Contains chapters on pre-school education in general and specific information on the Pre-school at the Talent Education Institute.
Where Love Is Deep. St. Louis, MO: Talent Education Journal Press, 1982.
A translation of Dr.Suzuki’s writings concerning the philosophy of the Suzuki Method. Contains instructions to teachers and parents on application of Talent Education principles, an interview with Suzuki, and a transcript of a discussion with parents.
Young Children’s Talent Education and Its Method. Miami, FL: Summy-Birchard, Inc.
Originally published in Japan in 1946, this book describes Dr. Suzuki’s view of the educational system and promise of his new philosophy. Contains specific information on working with very young children, effects of daily training, general benefits of early education in all areas.
Other Basic References
*Barrett, Carolyn M. The Magic of Matsumoto: The Suzuki Method of Education. Palm Springs, CA: ETC Publications, 1995.
Author describes her experience observing and working with Dr. Suzuki, analyzes his approach in light of Western learning theories, and outlines applications of the Suzuki Method in other disciplines.
*Bigler, Carole & Lloyd-Watts, Valery. Studying Suzuki Piano: More Than Music and Parent’s Edition: Studying Suzuki Piano. Miami, FL: Summy-Birchard, Inc.
Comprehensive coverage of Suzuki piano approach for teachers and parents; contains specific suggestions, tips and techniques for teaching the six volumes of the Suzuki Piano School.
Cook, Clifford. SUZUKI EDUCATION IN ACTION. New York: Exposition Press, 1970.
Oberlin professor Clifford Cook tells the early history of talent education in the U.S. Included are his first experiences with Dr. Suzuki, bringing the Talent Education Tour to the U.S., and institutes with Dr. Suzuki. Also includes a historic chronology of Talent Education USA, pamphlets, programs, etc.
Goldberg, Milton. The Violin Column. Boulder, CO: Suzuki Association of the Americas, 1984.
Collection of articles published in the Talent Education Journal and the ASJ from 1969 through 1982. Contains information for both teachers and parents focusing on care of the violin, practicing, technique and motivation.
*Grilli, Susan. Preschool in the Suzuki Spirit. Tokyo, Japan: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Japan.
A look at Suzuki’s preschool, where Talent Education ideas are applied to other areas of study, and suggestions for starting similar schools in America.
Hermann, Evelyn. Shinichi Suzuki: The Man and His Philosophy. Miami, FL: Summy-Birchard, Inc. (Rev. 1995)
A biography of Dr. Suzuki and the spread and success of the Suzuki Method all over the world. Contains tips for applying the principles of the Suzuki Method and a pictorial account of Dr. Suzuki’s life and work.
Honda, Masaaki. Shinichi Suzuki: Man of Love. Miami, FL: Summy-Birchard, Inc.
Biography of Dr. Suzuki, tracing his youth growing up, study in Europe, return to Japan, and the blossoming of Talent Education. Written to celebrate the Suzuki’s golden wedding anniversary.
Honda, Masaaki. Suzuki Changed My Life. Miami, FL: Summy-Birchard, Inc.
Dr. Honda recalls his involvement with Dr. Suzuki and Japanese Talent Education. He recounts his daughter’s experiences as a violin student, world tours, the spread of the Suzuki Method, and his own interest and influence in the philosophy and development of Talent Education.
Ibuka, Masaru. Kindergarten Is Too Late. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1980.
Authored by the former president of Sony Corporation, this book presents a revolutionary educational plan, much of it based on Suzuki Talent Education ideals, for parents to teach their children foreign languages, musical instruments, reading, and other skills.
Kataoka, Haruko. My Thoughts On Piano Technique. Miami, FL: Summy-Birchard, Inc.
Mrs. Kataoka’s second book, explaining her views on subjects such as good tone, posture, technique, and relaxation.
Kataoka, Haruko. Sensibility and Education. Salt Lake City, UT: Piano Basics Inc., 1993.
English translation of Dr. Kataoka’s treatise on the way children learn.
Kataoka, Haruko. Thoughts on the Suzuki Piano School. Miami, FL: Summy-Birchard, Inc.
Explains aspects of the mother tongue approach, covers listening, parental assistance, first lesson, etc.
Kempter, Susan. Between Parent and Teacher: A Teacher’s Guide to Parent Education. Ann Arbor, MI: Shar Products.
Covers every aspect of learning, from understanding the Suzuki philosophy to creating a positive learning environment to mastering small steps one at a time. Resource for teachers and parents.
Kendall, John. The Suzuki Violin Method in American Education. Miami, FL: Summy-Birchard, Inc.
Concise, detailed account of the development of Talent Education in the U.S., written by the first American string teacher to observe and study the Suzuki method in Japan.
Koppelman, Doris. Introducing Suzuki Piano. San Diego: Dichter Press, 1978.
Handbook for teachers and parents which covers the “whys” and “hows” of the Suzuki piano method. Includes suggestions for listening, practicing, etc., and answers some commonly asked questions.
Kreitman, Edward. Teaching From the Balance Point.
A great guide to help parents and teachers understand the process of teaching the beginner.
Landers, Ray. Is Suzuki Education Working In America? Miami, FL: Summy-Birchard, Inc.
Essay on the current state of Suzuki teaching in America and its potential for the future.
*Landers, Ray. The Talent Education School of Shinichi Suzuki: An Analysis. Princeton, NJ: Daniel Press, 1993.
A look at the history, philosophy, and pedagogy of the Suzuki method with analysis of 21 aspects which make it a success. Chapters on learning theories in relation to Talent Education, a defense against criticisms, and applications to other subjects. Contains extensive bibliography.
Mills, Elizabeth, editor. In the Suzuki Style: A Manual for Raising Musical Consciousness in Children. Berkeley, CA: Diablo Press, 1973.
Companion book for THE SUZUKI CONCEPT. Contains many valuable insights and suggestions for parents.
*Mills, Elizabeth & Sister Therese Murphy, editors. The Suzuki Concept: An Introduction to a Successful Method For Early Music Education. Berkeley, CA: Diablo Press, 1973.
Dr. Suzuki and many of his leading advocates in the U.S. explain the philosophy and procedures that characterize the Suzuki Method for teachers and parents taking their first look at the method.
Powell, Mary Craig. Focus on Suzuki Piano. Miami, FL: Summy-Birchard, Inc.
Descriptions of Powell’s practical teaching ideas, selected and compiled from her articles in Suzuki World magazine over a period of six years. Topics include communication with parents, practicing, listening, note-reading, motivation, etc.
*Slone, Kay Collier. They’re Rarely Too Young…and Never Too Old to Twinkle. AnnArbor, MI: Shar Products.
A look at the Suzuki violin method with numerous practical suggestions for incorporation of Talent Education ideals for private and school teachers.
Starr, William. The Suzuki Violinist: A Guide for Parents and Teachers. Miami, FL: Summy-Birchard, Inc.
A comprehensive guide to teaching the Suzuki violin literature, containing many illustrations. Written by an early leader in the field after his year in Japan observing and working intensively with Suzuki.
*Starr, William & Constance. To Learn With Love: A Companion for Suzuki Parents. Miami, FL: Summy-Birchard, Inc.
Practice, motivation, learning, nutrition, competition, and family lifestyles are a few of the topics discussed by these experienced teachers, performers, and parents.
Suzuki, Waltraud. My Life With Suzuki. Miami, FL: Summy-Birchard, Inc.
Story of Shinichi and Waltraud Suzuki’s experiences from their meeting in Berlin through the successes and recognition the Suzuki Method has achieved.
Timmerman, Craig. Journey Down the Kreisler Highway. Memphis, TN: Ivory Palaces Music, 1987.
Compilation of short essays about the author’s experiences while studying with Dr. Suzuki in Japan and a collection of letters he wrote to parents and students.
*Wickes, Linda. The Genius of Simplicity. Miami, FL: Summy-Birchard, Inc.
Book shows that the Suzuki Method is really a synthesis of ideas and techniques tried and proven for many years. Great philosophers such as Plato are quoted, as well as writers on musical technique and master teachers.
Wilson, Charlene. Teaching Suzuki Cello: A Manual for Teachers and Parents. Berkeley, CA: Diablo Press, 1980.
Practical suggestions for teaching cello with the Suzuki approach.
* Indicates books with recommended reading lists or extensive bibliographies.
From Suzuki Violin Studio,
Manchester NH, (603) 785 1884